Consultation Meeting
Here and Now:
Long sleep, very nice rest but I feel it's too long as it was 7 hours. I did wake up at 5am but went back to sleep dreaming so many things... I wish I had awaken earlier so that I have more time with JESUS.
Jeremiah 17
5 Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength,[a] whose heart turns away from the Lord. 6 He is like a shrub in the desert, and shall not see any good come. He shall dwell in the parched places of the wilderness, in an uninhabited salt land.
7 “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord.8 He is like a tree planted by water, that sends out its roots by the stream,and does not fear when heat comes, for its leaves remain green,and is not anxious in the year of drought, for it does not cease to bear fruit.”
9 The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it? 10 “I the Lord search the heart and test the mind,[b]to give every man according to his ways, according to the fruit of his deeds.”
GOD is very jealous that he curses the man who trust in people more than he would trust and hope in HIM. HE is GOD and HE has every right to do what HE pleases, but I can understand HIS passion towards HIS children, HIS people, HIS passion of discipline and punishment comes from a place of pure love. HE loves us so much, too much that HE would be so jealous to curse those who do not rely on HIM, look to HIM, depend on HIM for everything. Man can not do anything, we are nothing without GOD, only GOD does and move things and so I pray for HIS favor to always be upon me and for me to always look to HIM in all things.
I want to always be reliant, dependent, faithful to GOD because GOD is faithful to me. HE loves me and HE deserves all my love, HE sends people to help me but they are not the reason why I am helped. I am helped because of GOD. And somehow I had deceived myself into thinking that people help me because they love me and so my heart is deceived into thinking they love me when only GOD truly and purely loves me. I need to keep LOVING GOD only, to focus my entire being, my strength, mind, soul and body, spirit to HIM. Because HE alone is the ONLY ONE Deserving of all my adoration, praise, worship, and devotion.
Dear AVI,
Wonderful and Loving FATHER, that I call my own, that I need each and every day, every moment of my life. I need YOU O GOD, because YOU are the ONE Who loves me more than my own family, who cares for me more than I care for myself. If only I was satisfied to being alone and single forever, I have already everything. I do not need anyone, to love me because YOU love me, thank YOU for every blessing, my parents who love me, my siblings, our workers, our consultants, I thank YOU for everything but I pray dear JESUS that YOU will only help me to focus on YOU and YOUR Kingdom. If it is not YOUR will for me to marry then help me to accept it and be happy with it, but even so right now as I think of it, it's hard O GOD, I want to be loved by YOU through a husband, it's easy for YOU to do that man gud, but YOU just making me wait, making me ache, and I don't want to ache anymore, I want to accept what YOU want me to do, I want to be content so help me to achieve that O GOD, help me to be still and be content and be joyful because I have YOU. YOU are enough... I wish I could go back to the Watchman days because during those days I felt YOUR Supernatural presence and love. Today here I am and I want YOU to take full control over me and guide me and lead me to YOUR perfect will. Do not allow the enemy to speak lies to me anymore but heal every broken part of me and make me invincible!!! O GOD YOU Said I can do all things through YOU and I believe it so help me O GOD do all things and to be happy on my own. I thank YOU O GOD, please heal my family and all our relationships. Please help Kim, please touch my mothers heart and deal with her O GOD and Dad to accept YOUR Will and do humbly bow to YOU O GOD and all that YOU are making to happen in our lives. Please help us LORD JESUS. I need YOU O GOD. I pray for new workers to love their jobs and to be responsible guardians of what YOU have entrusted to them just like our old workers. I pray for YOU to heal me, keep healing me, keep loving me and take care of me... I trust YOU to answer my hearts prayers, to be loved by a GOD fearing husband who follows YOU and whom I love too. I continue to pray for Stephen, that YOU will deal with him, and humble him and make him feel, heal all his wounds and help him to follow YOU and obey YOU. I pray for everything O GOD, please always be here with me, I need YOU so much.
IN the Name of YESHUA Amen!
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