Thursday 4 July 2024

5th Fast Day

Here and Now
Right now, I woke up earlier than usual because I set the alarm. It is the 2nd day of my period and my body feels well rested even after 6.63 hours of sleep because I have been sleeping 8 hours plus the past few nights. I look forward to every night's prayer at church because of the WORD that Pastor delivers is so rich and full, it is feeling my spirit and addressing the issues of my flesh and heart. 

Last night the reflective questions always struck me:

Reflection Question: What promises from God do you need to hold onto more tightly during your current challenges? 

Answer: Written in today's Scripture Reading


Taken from today's Jewish TORAH Reading Guide:
Parshat Korach, 5th Portion (Bamidbar (Numbers) 17:16-17:24)

(v) 16 (1) Adonai said to Moshe, 17 (2) “Speak to the people of Isra’el, and take from them staffs, one for each ancestral tribe from each leader of a tribe, twelve staffs. Write each man’s name on his staff; 18 (3) and write Aharon’s name on the staff of Levi, for each tribe’s leader is to have one staff. 19 (4) Put them in the tent of meeting in front of the testimony, where I meet with you. 20 (5) The staff of the man I am going to choose will sprout buds — in this way I will put a stop to the complaints the people of Isra’el keep making against you.”

21 (6) Moshe spoke to the people of Isra’el, and all their leaders gave him staffs, one for each leader, according to their ancestral tribes, twelve staffs. Aharon’s staff was among their staffs. 22 (7) Moshe put the staffs before Adonai in the tent of the testimony. 23 (8) The next day Moshe went into the tent of the testimony, and there he saw that Aharon’s staff for the house of Levi had budded — it had sprouted not only buds but flowers and ripe almonds as well. 24 (9) Moshe brought out all the staffs from before Adonai to all the people of Isra’el, and they looked, and each man took back his staff.

ESV Reading Guide Scripture: Matthew 12

God's Chosen Servant

15 Jesus, aware of this, withdrew from there. And many followed him, and he healed them all 16 and ordered them not to make him known. 17 This was to fulfill what was spoken by the prophet Isaiah:

18 “Behold, my servant whom I have chosen, my beloved with whom my soul is well pleased. I will put my Spirit upon him, and he will proclaim justice to the Gentiles. 19 He will not quarrel or cry aloud, nor will anyone hear his voice in the streets; 20 a bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not quench, until he brings justice to victory; 21 and in his name the Gentiles will hope.”

ObservationGOD choses people for whatever reason HE may have. The Levit for Priestly Anointing and during Moses time, GOD chose HIS brother Aaron, Moses had a different calling, he was more of a King or a political leader at the same time the one who ministered to GOD while his brother Aaron was a Minister to the people. They had different functions but both of them were very important. I have observed how GOD favors the younger, just because HE wants to make his power known. The way GOD has chosen Moses and Aaron for Israel, is the way GOD has chosen JESUS to be the servant Messiah, and KING. GOD had already given me this word in the year 2019 before I met anyone that HE will let me know through this word that HE has chosen someone for me and HE is going to use these words to point that person to me.

ApplicationLately last year, I met someone and this WORD was speaking to me only it was in Isaiah 42. I cannot forget how dumbfounded I was at the way the chosen man is a chinese and not even a confessed believer, yet today GOD has proven to me that not all who confess to be believers are true followers of JESUS and there are remnants, hidden servants who do not confess to believe (confessed Christians) yet are the ones who are truly walking in the fear and righteousness of GOD. And even more so today GOD HIMSELF has given me the answers to the reflective Question that was preached by Pastor Timmy last night!
The question is: What promises from God do you need to hold onto more tightly during your current challenges? 
The answer is: Matthew 12:18 (parallel to Isaiah 42) and Numbers 17:20,23

PrayersDear ABBA,There are many things YOU have already put to death in my life, most of my dreams of being in Agriculture, dreams of living abroad, dreams of marrying a foreigner and dreams of being a world famous singer. Once dead I never think about them anymore, I have sacrificed so many Isaacs because I love you more than my own dreams, I love YOU more than my own life. But today I see a dead dream being raised back to life: The dream of being in Agriculture. I love animals, I wanted to do business where I can take care of livestock and plant food. But when my parents did not agree with me, I put that to die and chose another dream to live abroad, but then YOU let that die too when YOU brought me home. Today, I see this dream beginning to live again, I do not know how to feel about it, nangluod naman ko LORD, I do not desire this anymore, why bring it back to me??? But I do not want to be dismayed because YOU always tell me not to be dismayed. I want YOU to help me to have the right attitude about this. So KING JESUS how do YOU want me to feel about this??? If it is YOUR will for me to do this, then let me have the right feelings and attitude. It's just that I am not praying for this or desiring this right now, I want to marry the man YOU have chosen for me. But even the dream of marrying the man YOU have chosen I want to put to death for fear that YOU will put it to death again only to raise it again to life when it's dead. LORD, YOU know me, I never leave anything in my life without closure, if and when someone dies in my heart, I never desire anything or anyone to live again because when I die, I die. Yet I have already surrendered Stephen to YOU many many times, and even before I slept last night and woke up today I prayed: If it's not YOUR will for me to be with Stephen then remove my feelings, because I do not want to want something YOU do not want for me, I do not want to COVET, I do not want to desire anything apart from YOUR WILL FOR ME. But even as I try to let go so that I can be at peace with my feelings and myself, YOU speak to me even more strongly about Stephen in Numbers 17:20,23 and Matthew 12. This is the man OKAY! OKAY! Thank YOU for assuring and reassuring me because I do not want to be wrong. Now I am asking YOU for a sign according to the WORD YOU have spoken, let me and my parents see this Staff budding by letting him wear the favorite white barong that I love seeing him wear white floral designs as a sign of his buds and let him give me something today and I will wear my white blouse that I wanted to wear. I am asking for a sign not because I do not believe in YOUR WORD but because I want YOU to show YOURSELF to me as Sovereign even in his heart because YOU said YOU have poured out YOUR Spirit upon him and so this is a sign that YOUR Spirit is indeed upon him because he is going to act according to YOUR Spirit. Thank YOU AVI! I pray that YOU indeed continue to speak to Stephen and fill him with YOUR Love and peace and deliver him from everything hindering him from fully walking in YOUR will for his life. I pray he will be in touch with his feelings and not burry them, I pray YOU heal him from all his pain and traumas, O GOD let me be part of that healing. And I pray that YOU use me to be the best wife and partner and friend he will ever have because YOU have chosen us to be YOUR servants and I pray we will always please YOU no matter what!All glory and honor belongs to YOU for YOU are the GREAT I AM, the HOLY ONE of Israel!
In the Name of YESHUA AMen!


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