Shabbat 22 June 2024



Last night I dreamt that the Philippines had operated for the first time - it's own Cruise Ship and I thought my family and I were going to the Pier to ride on it but what happened was Mom and I rode a tiny speed boat and it was like more of an adventure ride that led us to waves and splashing and fast speed. My mom was scared and I was supposedly going to be scared but I felt that I had to be strong for her so I didn't show any signs of fear. She had fun while riding because we didn't topple over or met any danger, we just rode with the wind.


Proverbs 21
English Standard Version

1 The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will.
2 Every way of a man is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart.
3 To do righteousness and justice is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.

4 Haughty eyes and a proud heart, the lamp[a] of the wicked, are sin.
5 The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.
6 The getting of treasures by a lying tongue is a fleeting vapor and a snare of death.[b]
7 The violence of the wicked will sweep them away, because they refuse to do what is just.
8 The way of the guilty is crooked, but the conduct of the pure is upright.
9 It is better to live in a corner of the housetop than in a house shared with a quarrelsome wife.
10 The soul of the wicked desires evil; his neighbor finds no mercy in his eyes.
11 When a scoffer is punished, the simple becomes wise; when a wise man is instructed, he gains knowledge.
12 The Righteous One observes the house of the wicked; he throws the wicked down to ruin.
13 Whoever closes his ear to the cry of the poor will himself call out and not be answered.
14 A gift in secret averts anger, and a concealed bribe,[c] strong wrath.
15 When justice is done, it is a joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.
16 One who wanders from the way of good sense will rest in the assembly of the dead.
17 Whoever loves pleasure will be a poor man; he who loves wine and oil will not be rich.
18 The wicked is a ransom for the righteous, and the traitor for the upright.
19 It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman.
20 Precious treasure and oil are in a wise man's dwelling, but a foolish man devours it.
21 Whoever pursues righteousness and kindness will find life, righteousness, and honor.
22 A wise man scales the city of the mighty and brings down the stronghold in which they trust.
23 Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble.
24 “Scoffer” is the name of the arrogant, haughty man who acts with arrogant pride.
25 The desire of the sluggard kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.
26 All day long he craves and craves, but the righteous gives and does not hold back.
27 The sacrifice of the wicked is an abomination; how much more when he brings it with evil intent.
28 A false witness will perish, but the word of a man who hears will endure.
29 A wicked man puts on a bold face, but the upright gives thought to[d] his ways.
30 No wisdom, no understanding, no counsel can avail against the Lord.
31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.

The King's heart is like a stream of water in the hand of the LORD has spoken comfort to my Spirit and Soul today because King's are people in power, and if GOD can control the heart of a King, then HE can control anything. I may not have the heart of a certain king that my souls wants, but I have the heart of KING JESUS because HE loves me and I know that if I just abide in HIM with everything, HE will fulfill every desire of my heart whatever I ask HIM. Our reasons for the decisions we make in life might be right and true in our eyes or on our human reasoning, but the LORD weighs our motives, the reasons of our hearts. 

I will abide with GOD, I will make it a point, to try and try to empty myself so I can be ONE with JESUS because it is abiding in HIM. For abiding with GOD means being ONE with GOD and if I am ONE with GOD then my desires follow HIS will. It means I will only desire what HE wants, HIS will is my desire and because GOD is the ultimate power of all the Universe, whatever HE wants or wills will always be accomplished, HIS Purposes will prevail, HIS will be done and so I want to be ONE with GOD always. So that my desire which is also HIS will, will always happen, it is accomplished, it is done!

Dear AVI,
HOLY is YOUR Name O GOD, Great and Awesome YOU are! So beautiful in all YOU do, so loving, faithful and true! In YOU I put my trust O GOD, why I am still unmarried at this time when I should already be having children by this time. YOU know all things O GOD, YOU know if I am able to raise a family or not. I want to trust YOU to equip me to be a wife and mother to the family YOU are entrusting to me. I want to trust YOU for giving me desires for a certain man Stephen, even though I feel he doesn't feel the same way for me. I really don't want this to be another waste of my time and energy but I pray that YOU will enable me to keep trusting YOU because I have been abiding with YOU. What do I want to happen? I want Stephen to love me so much to marry me and spend the rest of our lives together just because I have this love for him that I do not understand why when he is not even my type. But I love him for who he is, being a nerd and diligent and humble. But I don't want to love him if he doesn't love me, so I am asking YOU to remove these feelings if he is not the man YOU have intended for me to marry. I have been asking YOU to remove it but until today, it's not removed, only become stable. So as long as YOU have put him in my heart, I will keep praying for him because these feelings are disturbing me, my peace, weighing deeply on my heart please GOD Save Stephen, let him know YOU, let him love YOU, let him to hunger and thrist for YOUR WORD and YOUR SPIRIT. Bring him to a relationship with YOU O GOD because YOU love him, save him, and his entire family Benita, Lucio Jr., Mitchell wife Kim and Grace and family. I pray that YOU will move in heart to love me because I love him. Thank YOU so much for my parents who are supporting me to get married soon. Thank YOU so much for the love YOU have shown me through them and my family. Thank YOU for securing me once again because I am YOUR Beloved and all my love and devotion and praises and worship belongs to YOU alone! 

In the Name of JESUS Amen!


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